- MORE 54 fanphotos in this Slideshow below:~
A Fan Account :~
- GD first song was MICHI GO! And the fans are singing HEARTBREAKER with him now!
- GD said: "How are y'all feeling tonight? Good? I'm freaking good!'... Are you ready for the leaders?! CL is now on stage with GD for THE LEADERS!!!
- And he is singing THAT XX in accoustic now!!
- After MISSING YOU, GD said its been a long and ask if the fans miss him. And he miss us too!... SO MUCH XD
- GD is now performing SHINE A LIGHT!//GD said next stage is gonna be crazy, are you ready for the B.E.S.T?!...CL said 'how are ya feeling tonight?' And Dara said 'we are ready to rock the house tonight!!' 2NE1 performed FIRE and CAN'T NOBODY and it's their last song now! I AM THE BEST!
- When i say SWAG, you say CHECK! GD just finish performing CRAYON plus FANTASTIC BABY! Boomshakala~
- GD also performs MichiGO, Heartbreaker, Crayon, One of a kind, Butterfly, Missing You, That XX , Without You, Today, A Boy, This Love, One Year Station, Shes Gone, Breathe, Fantastic Baby. + The leaders with CL.
Stay with us for more updates!^o^
Source: @As tagged
Source : bigbangworldwide[dot]blogspot[dot]com